The World Through My Lens

October 20, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

When I started out to establish my photography business, it came with a great degree of hesitation. For one, I tend to be a private person, while I don't hide aspects of my life from people, I just tend to choose carefully the circle I choose to reveal aspects of it to. So I knew that the moment that I decided to start this business that I would be exposing the most intimate aspect of my life for all to see. 

Photography is not just a picture of a subject, it's the subject as seen through your eyes. Those are two totally different understandings. The first (picture of a subject) approach, the picture falls upon the responsibility of the subject to look a certain way, if the picture fails it's because of the subject. The second approach calls upon me as an artist to show the subject as I see it and if the picture fails., it's because i failed as an artist. 

It's impossible for every subject to meet the standard of being universally "beautiful" however, if I have chosen to shoot the subject or have been hired to shoot a subject it's my duty to find the beauty and present it for all to see. Naturally I see the beauty in people and objects. Art is to take pictures that utilize color, contrast, lighting and composition to present the subject and its beauty as I see it. 

Event photography tests your ability as a artist because it doesn't allow the time to compose pictures but the goal is still to capture the energy of an event and present it through still pictures. This skill relies heavily on technical artistry and skill as opposed to you mastery of color, contrast, lighting and composition. Although lighting at an event is sometimes controllable some times you just have to deal with it as it is. A few weeks ago I had a photoshoot with the gifted and talented Elona Strong, this shoot was about as challenging as you could imagine. Different color lighting, poor lighting and lack of time to make it work. But to pull it off I didn't work it like it was a standard photoshoot but rather I approached like an event shoot. Of course her skill as a model allowed us to pull it off, but it was still very challenging.

Photography is my passion, the ability to capture the energy of a room, show the beauty of a subject or tell a story through still pictures is an art. Thank you for allowing me to show you the world through my lens. 


Mark A. Davis


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